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Gold earrings with mother of pearl and tiger eye - Art Deco
Gold earrings with mother of pearl and tiger eye - Art Deco
Gold earrings with mother of pearl and tiger eye - Art Deco
Gold earrings with mother of pearl and tiger eye - Art Deco
Gold earrings with mother of pearl and tiger eye - Art Deco
Gold earrings with mother of pearl and tiger eye - Art DecoGold earrings with mother of pearl and tiger eye - Art DecoGold earrings with mother of pearl and tiger eye - Art DecoGold earrings with mother of pearl and tiger eye - Art Deco
Gold earrings with mother of pearl and tiger eye - Art Deco
Model 18445

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Odeslání: 1 pracovní dny

Doprava zdarma od 1700 Kč

Ruda: zlato Test: 375 Typ spony: Hůl Ozdoba: perleť, tygří oko Průměrná hmotnost: více než 1 g Návrhář: Magda Dąbrowska Kvalita drahého kamene potvrzena certifikátem pravosti ANO

SKU: KY18445-Z0000-TOBMPA-000