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YES / Premium




The most luxurious and exceptional premium jewellery from YES. Precious gemstones and the highest quality metal.

Selected products: 62
Zlatý prsten s ametystem a opály - The Victorian Collection
Gold ring with amethyst and opals - Victorian Collection
EUR 979
Zlatý prsten s opály - The Victorian Collection
Gold ring with opals - Victorian Collection
EUR 979
Prsten z růžového zlata s růžovými safíry a diamanty
Rose gold ring with sapphires and diamonds
EUR 1,595
Gold ring with diamonds
EUR 2,349
Zlatý prsten se smaragdem a diamanty - Viktoriánská kolekce
Gold ring with emerald and diamonds - Victorian Collection
EUR 1,595
Zlatý prsten s perletí
Gold ring with mother of pearl
EUR 1,149
Platinový prsteň s diamantmi
Platinum Ring with Diamonds
EUR 2,237
Regular price: EUR 3,195 Lowest price of 30 days: EUR 3,195
Zlatý prsten
Gold ring
EUR 1,117
Regular price: EUR 1,595 Lowest price of 30 days: EUR 1,595
Zlatý prsten s onyxy a černými diamanty - Midnight
Gold ring with onyx and black diamonds - Midnight
EUR 1,549
Platinový prsten s topazem a diamanty
Platinum ring with topaz and diamonds
EUR 4,195
Zlatý prsteň s topazom a diamantmi - Daylight
Gold ring with topaz and diamonds - Daylight
EUR 977
Regular price: EUR 1,395 Lowest price of 30 days: EUR 1,395
Zlatý prsteň s opálom, diamantmi a rodolitmi
Gold ring with opal, diamonds and rhodolites
EUR 1,117
Regular price: EUR 1,595 Lowest price of 30 days: EUR 1,595
Zlatý prsten s opálem a safíry - Viktoriánská kolekce
Gold ring with opal and sapphires - Victorian Collection
EUR 2,049
Zlatý prsten se safíry a diamanty - Viktoriánská kolekce
Gold ring with sapphire and diamonds - Victorian Collection
EUR 2,395
Zlatý prsten se smaragdem a diamanty - Viktoriánská kolekce
Gold ring with emerald and diamonds - Victorian Collection
EUR 2,395
Prsten z bílého zlata se safíry a diamanty
White gold ring with sapphires and diamonds
EUR 2,495
Zlatý prsten s rhodolitem a diamanty - Viktoriánská kolekce
Gold ring with rhodolite and diamonds - Victorian Collection
EUR 1,795
Prsteň z bieleho zlata s diamantmi
White gold ring with diamonds
EUR 2,849
Prsteň z bieleho zlata so zafírom a diamantmi
White gold ring with sapphire and diamonds
EUR 2,049
Zlatý prsten
Gold ring
EUR 1,949
Zlatý prsten s diamanty YES Hearts & Arrows
Gold ring with diamonds YES Hearts & Arrows
EUR 3,077
Regular price: EUR 4,395 Lowest price of 30 days: EUR 4,395
Prsten z bílého zlata s diamanty YES Hearts & Arrows
White gold ring with diamonds YES Hearts & Arrows
EUR 3,077
Regular price: EUR 4,395 Lowest price of 30 days: EUR 4,395
Prsten z bílého zlata s diamanty YES Hearts & Arrows
White gold ring with diamonds YES Hearts & Arrows
EUR 5,177
Regular price: EUR 7,395 Lowest price of 30 days: EUR 7,395
Platinový prsteň s diamantmi
Platinum Ring with Diamonds
EUR 2,727
Regular price: EUR 3,895 Lowest price of 30 days: EUR 3,895