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Silver gold plated pendant with mother of pearl - Medallions
Silver gold plated pendant with mother of pearl - Medallions
Silver gold plated pendant with mother of pearl - Medallions
Silver gold plated pendant with mother of pearl - Medallions
Silver gold plated pendant with mother of pearl - Medallions
Silver gold plated pendant with mother of pearl - Medallions
Silver gold plated pendant with mother of pearl - MedallionsSilver gold plated pendant with mother of pearl - MedallionsSilver gold plated pendant with mother of pearl - MedallionsSilver gold plated pendant with mother of pearl - Medallions
Silver gold plated pendant with mother of pearl - Medallions
Model 47998

Pozlacený stříbrný přívěsek s perleťí - Medailony

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Odeslání: 1 pracovní dny

Doprava zdarma od 1700 Kč

Ruda: stříbrná pozlacená Ukázka: 925 Ozdoba: perleť Průměrná hmotnost: 5,0 g.

SKU: ZS47998-BZ000-MPA000-000