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Necklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - Valentine
Necklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - Valentine
Necklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - Valentine
Necklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - Valentine
Necklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - Valentine
Necklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - Valentine
Necklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - Valentine
Necklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - ValentineNecklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - ValentineNecklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - ValentineNecklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - Valentine
Necklace in white gold with diamond YES Hearts & Arrows - Valentine
Model 12801

Náhrdelník z bílého zlata s diamantem YES Hearts & Arrows - Valentine

Velikost: 42 Není k dispozici online
Vyberte zemi

Odeslání: 8 pracovní dny

Doprava zdarma od 1700 Kč

Ruda: bílé zlato Pokus: 585 Délka: 42 cm Ozdoba: 1 diamant kvality 0,20 ct H/SI2, broušený diamantem, kulatý s efektem Srdce a šípy Průměrná hmotnost: nad 1g Návrhář: Magdalena Dąbrowska Kvalita diamantu potvrzena certifikátem pravosti ANO

SKU: NZ12801-BB042-DIWHA0-D33